We are thrilled to commission Guest Choreographer, Jera Wolfe, to create a new work for WCD!
WCD invites Winnipeg-based contemporary dancers who wish to be considered for this project to join us for an in-person open house.
The open house will consist of a WCD-led warm-up, followed by phrase work led by acclaimed Choreographer, Jera Wolfe.
Open House for Dancers
Sunday, November 12th, 3:15pm – 5:00pm at WCD
Interested artists are required to register in advance, through Eventbrite and email, by November 05, 2023.
Once you have completed your registration through Eventbrite, please email us the following information to complete your registration:
– 200 (max) word bio
– headshot
In fairness to all those who are interested, please submit only the requested items.
This opportunity is open to established, mid-career, and emerging artists. Dancers must be 18+ to be considered for this project, be available for all work required for this project (dates listed below), be Winnipeg-based and be able to legally work in Winnipeg. This opportunity is not intended for student dancers.
If dancers currently enrolled in professional training programs wish to apply, please obtain signed permission in writing from the director of your training program and submit the permission with your application by November 5th.
Please email your submission to: submissions@winnipegscontemporarydancers.ca
Before registration please read FULL INFO here